What to Import
Most Places
import loggerf.core._
import loggerf.syntax.all._
import loggerf.core._ // for Log
import loggerf.syntax.all._ // for log(), log_(), logS(), logS_(), etc.
def foo[F[_]: Log](n: Int): F[int] =
for {
n2 <- bar(n).log(n2 => info(s"n2: $n2"))
} yield n + n2
For Main Method
You need instances for Log
when you actually run your program.
It's usually only one place where you put the main
For the instance of Log[F]
import loggerf.instances.cats._
Instances for Effectie
For the instance of Fx[F]
- Monix 3
- Cats Effect 2
- Cats Effect 3
import effectie.instnace.monix3.fx._
import effectie.instnace.ce2.fx._
import effectie.instnace.ce3.fx._
- Slf4J
- Log4s
- Log4j
If you use slf4j or logback, get logger-f-slf4j
import loggerf.logger._
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog[MyAppType]
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog[this.type]
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog("my-logger-name")
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLogWith(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass))
If you use log4s, get logger-f-log4s
import loggerf.logger._
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4sLogger.log4sCanLog[MyAppType]
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4sLogger.log4sCanLog[this.type]
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4sLogger.log4sCanLog("my-logger-name")
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4sLogger.log4sCanLogWith(org.log4s.getLogger)
If you use log4j, get logger-f-log4j
import loggerf.logger._
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4jLogger.log4jCanLog[MyAppType]
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4jLogger.log4jCanLog[this.type]
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4jLogger.log4jCanLog("my-logger-name")
// or
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Log4jLogger.log4jCanLogWith(org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getLogger(getClass))
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import effectie.core._
import effectie.syntax.all._
import loggerf.core._
import loggerf.syntax.all._
trait Foo[F[_]] {
def foo(name: String): F[Unit]
object Foo {
def apply[F[_]: Fx: Log: Monad]: Foo[F] = new FooF[F]
private class FooF[F[_]: Fx: Log: Monad] extends Foo[F] {
def foo(name: String): F[Unit] =
for {
_ <- s"Name: $name".logS_(info)
message <- pureOf(s"Hello $name").log(infoA)
_ <- effectOf(println(message))
} yield ()
import cats.effect._
object MyApp extends IOApp.Simple {
import loggerf.logger._
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog[this.type]
import effectie.instances.ce2.fx._
import loggerf.instances.cats._
def run: IO[Unit] =