Log - Cats
Log - Cats (WIP)
is a typeclass to log F[A]
, F[Option[A]]
, F[Either[A, B]]
, OptionT[F, A]
and EitherT[F, A, B]
It requires Fx
from Effectie and Monad
from Cats.
Log F[A]
Log[F].log(F[A])(A => LogMessage)
A given F[A]
, you can simply log A
with log
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect._
import effectie.cats._
import effectie.cats.Effectful._
import loggerf.cats._
import loggerf.logger._
import loggerf.syntax._
def hello[F[_]: Functor: Fx: Log](name: String): F[Unit] =
log(pureOf(s"Hello $name"))(debug).map(println(_))
object MyApp extends IOApp {
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog("MyApp")
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = for {
_ <- hello[IO]("World")
_ <- hello[IO]("Kevin")
} yield ExitCode.Success
23:34:25.021 [ioapp-compute-1] DEBUG MyApp - Hello World
Hello World
23:34:25.022 [ioapp-compute-1] DEBUG MyApp - Hello Kevin
Hello Kevin
trait Named[A] {
def name(a: A): String
object Named {
def apply[A: Named]: Named[A] = implicitly[Named[A]]
final case class GivenName(givenName: String) extends AnyVal
final case class Surname(surname: String) extends AnyVal
final case class Person(givenName: GivenName, surname: Surname)
object Person {
implicit val namedPerson: Named[Person] =
person => s"${person.givenName.givenName} ${person.surname.surname}"
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect._
import effectie.cats.Fx
import effectie.cats.ConsoleEffect
import effectie.cats.Effectful._
import loggerf.cats._
import loggerf.logger._
import loggerf.syntax._
trait Greeting[F[_]] {
def greet[A: Named](a: A): F[String]
object Greeting {
def apply[F[_] : Greeting]: Greeting[F] = implicitly[Greeting[F]]
implicit def hello[F[_]: Fx: Monad: Log]: Greeting[F] =
new Greeting[F] {
def greet[A: Named](a: A): F[String] = for {
name <- log(effectOf(Named[A].name(a)))(x => info(s"The name is $x"))
greeting <- pureOf(s"Hello $name")
} yield greeting
object MyApp extends IOApp {
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog("MyApp")
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = for {
greetingMessage <- Greeting[IO].greet(Person(GivenName("Kevin"), Surname("Lee")))
_ <- ConsoleEffect[IO].putStrLn(greetingMessage)
} yield ExitCode.Success
21:02:15.323 [ioapp-compute-0] INFO MyApp - The name is Kevin Lee
Hello Kevin Lee
Log F[Option[A]]
ifEmpty: => LogMessage with MaybeIgnorable,
toLeveledMessage: A => LogMessage with MaybeIgnorable
A given F[Option[A]]
, you can simply log Some(A)
or None
with log
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect._
import effectie.cats._
import effectie.cats.Effectful._
import loggerf.cats._
import loggerf.logger._
import loggerf.syntax._
def greeting[F[_]: Fx](name: String): F[String] =
pureOf(s"Hello $name")
def hello[F[_]: Monad: Fx: Log](maybeName: Option[String]): F[Unit] =
for {
name <- log(pureOf(maybeName))(
warn("No name given"),
name => info(s"Name: $name")
message <- log(name.traverse(greeting[F]))(ignore, msg => info(s"Message: $msg"))
_ <- effectOf(message.foreach(msg => println(msg)))
} yield ()
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog("MyApp- F[Option[A]]")
// canLog: CanLog = loggerf.logger.Slf4JLogger@2b1185dd
def run(): IO[Unit] = for {
_ <- hello[IO](none)
_ <- hello[IO]("Kevin".some)
} yield ()
// Hello Kevin
20:09:43.117 [Thread-31] WARN MyApp- F[Option[A]] - No name given
20:09:43.133 [Thread-31] INFO MyApp- F[Option[A]] - Name: Kevin
20:09:43.133 [Thread-31] INFO MyApp- F[Option[A]] - Message: Hello Kevin
Log F[Either[A, B]]
F[Either[A, B]]
leftToMessage: A => LeveledMessage with MaybeIgnorable,
rightToMessage: B => LeveledMessage with MaybeIgnorable
A given F[Either[A, B]]
, you can simply log Left(A)
or Right(B)
with log
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect._
import effectie.cats._
import effectie.cats.Effectful._
import loggerf.cats._
import loggerf.logger._
import loggerf.syntax._
def foo[F[_]: Fx](a: Int): F[Int] =
pureOf(a * 2)
def divide[F[_]: Fx: CanHandleError](a: Int, b: Int): F[Either[String, Int]] =
CanHandleError[F].handleNonFatal(effectOf((a / b).asRight[String])){ err =>
def calculate[F[_]: Monad: Fx: CanHandleError: Log](n: Int): F[Unit] =
for {
a <- log(foo(n))(
n => info(s"n: ${n.toString}")
result <- log(divide(1000, a))(
err => error(s"Error: $err"),
r => info(s"Result: ${r.toString}")
_ <- effectOf(println(result.fold(err => s"Error: $err", r => s"1000 / ${a.toString} = ${r.toString}")))
} yield ()
implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog("MyApp - F[Either[A, B]]")
// canLog: CanLog = loggerf.logger.Slf4JLogger@20f1e91d
def run(): IO[Unit] = for {
_ <- calculate[IO](5)
_ <- calculate[IO](0)
} yield ()
// 1000 / 10 = 100
// Error: / by zero
20:20:05.588 [Thread-47] INFO MyApp - F[Either[A, B]] - n: 10
20:20:05.593 [Thread-47] INFO MyApp - F[Either[A, B]] - Result: 100
20:20:05.595 [Thread-47] INFO MyApp - F[Either[A, B]] - n: 0
20:20:05.605 [Thread-47] ERROR MyApp - F[Either[A, B]] - Error: / by zero