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Version: v1

Log - Monix

Log - Monix (WIP)

Log is a typeclass to log F[A], F[Option[A]], F[Either[A, B]], OptionT[F, A] and EitherT[F, A, B].

It requires Fx from Effectie and Monad from Cats.

Log F[A]

Log[F].log(F[A])(A => String)


trait Named[A] {
def name(a: A): String

object Named {
def apply[A: Named]: Named[A] = implicitly[Named[A]]

final case class GivenName(givenName: String) extends AnyVal
final case class Surname(surname: String) extends AnyVal

final case class Person(givenName: GivenName, surname: Surname)
object Person {
implicit val namedPerson: Named[Person] =
person => s"${person.givenName.givenName} ${person.surname.surname}"

import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect.ExitCode

import effectie.monix.{ConsoleEffect, Fx}
import effectie.monix.Effectful._

import loggerf.logger._
import loggerf.monix._
import loggerf.syntax._

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.eval.TaskApp

trait Greeting[F[_]] {
def greet[A: Named](a: A): F[String]

object Greeting {
def apply[F[_]: Greeting]: Greeting[F] = implicitly[Greeting[F]]

implicit def hello[F[_]: Fx: Monad: Log]: Greeting[F] =
new Greeting[F] {
def greet[A: Named](a: A): F[String] =
for {
name <- log(effectOf(Named[A].name(a)))(x => info(s"The name is $x"))
greeting <- pureOf(s"Hello $name")
} yield greeting


object TaskMainApp extends TaskApp {

implicit val canLog: CanLog = Slf4JLogger.slf4JCanLog("MyApp")

def run(args: List[String]): Task[ExitCode] =
for {
greetingMessage <- Greeting[Task].greet(
Person(GivenName("Kevin"), Surname("Lee"))
_ <- ConsoleEffect[Task].putStrLn(greetingMessage)
} yield ExitCode.Success
19:57:04.076 [scala-execution-context-global-21] INFO MyApp - The name is Kevin Lee
Hello Kevin Lee

Log F[Option[A]]

Log OptionT[F, A]

Log F[Either[A, B]]

Log EitherT[F, A, B]